New York, New York – Court Rules that Dispute with Casino Must be Handled by Tribal Court

 Joe Frazier, the former heavyweight boxing champion, tried unsuccessfully to sue the Oneida Indian tribe in Federal Court for using his picture without permission. The picture was used to promote a boxing match between Frazier's daughter and Muhammad Ali's daughter at the Oneida-owned Turning Stone Casino. The former heavyweight champion objected to the use of his picture in a way that promoted commercial gambling. The 2nd US Court of Appeals in Manhattan ruled that it had no jurisdiction in the case because of the tribe's sovereign status. To pursue the matter further, Frazier will have to sue the casino owners in an Oneida run court.

Tribal sovereignty is a complex legal issue. While congress recognizes that tribes have an inherent right to govern themselves, congress can limit that sovereignty. For example, tribal jurisdiction over their own residents had been well-established, but jurisdiction in matters between tribal and non-tribal persons is less clear cut. If your business is being affected by a legal matter, please contact Wood, Atter & Wolf, P.A. for legal counsel.

You can find out more information about this case at: Court in NY: Joe Frazier can't sue tribe here.


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