Copyrights, websites and pictures

 I recently had a client contact me regarding their website materials being stolen and used by someone else. In reviewing the situation, I found that the company was copying pictures and written materials directly from my client’s website. When I contacted the company, they was under the assumption that you only got a copyright on published materials, such as books. Of course that is wrong.

So what exactly is a copyright? It is a right that gives the owner of creative works the ability to prevent others from using those creative works without prior authorization. Marital agreements. A copyright exists the very moment a creative work becomes tangible – can be seen, felt or heard. The creator of the work owns the copyright. If the copyright is infringed upon, the owner may seek monetary damages, seek an injunction and could also recover their attorney fees.

So when it comes to your website, it is always best to put a copyright notice at the bottom of the webpage, but it is not necessary. A copyright notice should read as follows: “(c) 2013 Matthew T. Harrod, Esq”. It puts the world on notice that you own the materials on the website.

So back to my situation, when I spoke with the gentleman at the company, he was completely unaware of copyright law and my client’s rights in their work. After speaking with him for a bit, he agreed to take down the pictures and change the content on his website so that he no longer infringes on my client’s rights.

If you are worried that your website is being copied, please give our business attorneys at Wood, Atter & Wolf, P. A. a call to discuss how we can protect your website content.


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